Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Audience expectations for horror genre

Horror Audience
Horror is more aimed at people who want an adrenaline rush from being fearful of something/someone. The target audience age from around 16/18- to 30 year old, it is more likely for males are to watch horror films. Teenagers are usually aimed at as well due to them be curious and daring to watch it, this is because most horror films involve unknowing, naive teenagers as the main protagonists, which are the target of serial killers or psychopaths!

The audience do expect to be scared or even horrified, they will sit down knowing something will happen on there screens to scare them. The audience know as well that there may be blood, screaming, tension building music. So they do expect the horror to scare them.
The aim is quite hard sometimes due to there being age restrictions on films. They have to be either 15, 18 or even older, so this can be quite restricting. Horror films can involve different types of subjects, such as one could be more bloody, one could be very discreet with the blood, injuries etc.

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