Monday, 12 November 2012

Film Poster Analysis - Conor

The film poster for Nightmare on Elm Street, a similar film to ours, is very well designed. It is a simple design, but is very effective. It shows a submissive girl as a silhouette in a shadow of someone, which suggests a frightened girl with clouded vision. She is in the shadow of a man, which implies that he is following or watching her. The man is again a silhouette, but his face is covered making the audience feel scared due to the lack of his identity. The background is a hall way with a bright yellow/red light. This suggests a house fire and implies death and destruction. This theory is reinforced with the red Times New Roman font. It makes the audience think of blood and death. The font also creates a feeling of simplicity and age. The simplicity suggest a cold blooded murderer.

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