Tuesday, 13 November 2012

9 frame analysis

The screen shots used in this were taken from the film Drag me to Hell. It displays usual conventions of the horror genre. It shows it characters background and information though simple techniques. The top left screenshot shows a poor man helping a woman off a truck. It suggests that they are poor and have travelled a long way for help. Another character is shown as a spiritual woman with supernatural powers. The supernatural factor is used a lot in this opening scene, for example the male character in the shot in the middle gets hit and flung by an invisible force. The child is also dragged down by a hand coming from a fiery place which is presumed to be hell. This appears to be due to a necklace shown in the bottom left shot which possess super natural forces. They use editing, lighting and cinematography to create fear and tension. They use a shot panning up of the shadow of the boy being dragged down. This creates a feeling of fear for the audience. This is similar to our film as we are using the idea of fire and death as well. We are not using the supernatural convention as much and are using the violence more. This is were these films differ however, the film techniques, character status and others are similar as we have followed these conventions of a horror.

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