Thursday, 15 November 2012

Our synopsis for the film (Opening sequence)

Our film synopsis- Animus
(Our open sequence only)
Our film is about a man (Mark) who lost his wife (Sarah) and child (Emily) in a house fire, which if his neighbours helped they would have been able to get out alive. After the fire and he found out his family were burnt to death he went missing. He has been missing for roughly 10 years and it is coming up to the death anniversary of his family but to this day he still blames them for the death of his family. (This is not shown in the opening sequence)
You see a Mark walking down the riverside looking very depressed, upset, angry all at the same time and you get from his facial expressions something is going to happen as you see him look up at a bridge, then it snaps to him about to jump off the bridge. This suggests that he may have just committed suicide.
After seeing part 1, it shows us a young business lady which we haven't found the name out for, but her name is Kate. Kate is coming home after a day at work, we see her taking her coat of and then placing a newspaper onto the sofa with a quote of ‘I saw him jump' and underneath in normal font for the paper a write about the body not being found but Kate knows nothing about this as she didn't even glance at the paper. Kate looks in the mirror to see if she should wear her glasses or not but as she bends down you can see a face of a male, she does not see this and goes to close curtains and stills have no idea. Kate going upstairs to make the beds and clean up before her husband and children come home, but as she walks to leave the bedroom a disaster happens.
 Kate is tripped over by someone under the bed and attacked with a crow bar. At this point we see blood on Kate's leg and we see her crawling and struggling to get into another room. The male is shown walking after her very slowly, as Kate grabs the phone to phone for help it is kicked out of her hand, Kate decides to climb on/over her bed but she has been smacked by the crow bar to the back of her neck which then paralyses her and the male chucks her to the ground and starts punching her to the face. We then see the male pick up the pole and walks out of the room.
There is no movement from Kate so this shows she has been killed, but we don't know who done and it why.

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